Welcome to the UNamur ARC projects website
The ongoing projects coordinated by the University of Namur
AC-DCPIs: C. Aprile - B. Champagne - E. Gaigneaux |
AUTOMATicE. Tuci - A. Mauroy - J-N. Colin
CAMLA-S. Libert - B. Frenay Coming soon |
DIVERCEF. De Laender |
ENCAPCELRAPYT. Arnould - B-L. Su |
EXALTA. Kiriliouk |
EXO-Sugar-MAPG. Berionni - S. Vincent
PHOENIXO. Deparis - F. Cecchet - J. Colaux - C. Flament - L. Houssiau - A. Mayer - N. Ruffini-Ronzani |
The ongoing projects coordinated by other universities
IMALCoordinator: UCLouvain UNamur PI: G. Van Bever |
MetaRadCoordinator: UCLouvain UNamur PI: A-C. Heuskin |
PALPITATIONCoordinator: UCLouvain UNamur PI: J. Douxfils |
RAINDROPCoordinator: UCLouvain UNamur PI: A. Clève |
UNCAGEDCoordinator: UCLouvain UNamur PI: Y. Olivier |
Funded by the Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB), ARC projects are Concerted Research Action projects that aim at developing university or inter-university centres of excellence in fundamental research axes and, where possible, that carry out basic and applied research in an integrated manner and aim to make economic and social use of research results. They are awarded based on academic excellence of the applicants, the added value of each research group to achieve goals of research project, complementary skills of research teams and the methodology of proposed research program. They typically last for 4 to 5 years. In case of inter-university project, each team is financely supported by its own institution